Good experiences abroad!

Being Black In countries foreign to our own comes with long-lasting and memorable events. Our writers share the positive experiences they faced abroad. The moments they were proud of being black, learned about another culture, or simply happy about making a bold move to travel.

Afro Arab: My Ode to O-Man, Oh-Man- Oman

Oman was beautiful. Its an Arab country that I had no problem fitting into. You Continue Reading

Morena en Argentina

In my junior year of college, I heard about this program that gives study abroad Continue Reading

Bronx Thai

My name is Karl Omar Lawrence and I am a social entrepreneur motivated by the Continue Reading

Life in Japan

Living in Japan was one the best experiences of my life. The people, food, and Continue Reading

Will Travel For Friends

Travel for me starts of with one thing first. Friendship. Living on  a small island Continue Reading