Good experiences abroad!

Being Black In countries foreign to our own comes with long-lasting and memorable events. Our writers share the positive experiences they faced abroad. The moments they were proud of being black, learned about another culture, or simply happy about making a bold move to travel.

Invitation to the Kensington Palace – An Interview with Eddie from CHRISHABANA

Eddie is the Communications & Marketing Director for CHRISHABANA, a jewelry brand and creative studio Continue Reading

Weekend Getaway To Jamaica During the Pandemic

Walking Down the Aisle After 7 months of working from home, moving with caution, and Continue Reading

30 Days in Panama City

You know that moment in the movie when the protagonist is at her wits’ end Continue Reading

Discovering My Love for Madrid

I moved to Madrid in 2018 for my dental studies because it was impossible to Continue Reading

My Strange Yet Life Changing Time in Japan

5 years ago today I was in my third month living in Japan. It was Continue Reading